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EMG signal extraction

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:27 am
by andatt
Hi all,
I am trying to use this toolbox to process EMG signals, and am having trouble working out my way around it, since I only have basic knowledge of MATLAB. Since I only need to process the EMG signals and I am not interested in the Force Plate, markers, etc. is there some simple way how I can use the toolbox to just process the EMGs (maybe removing 'unnecessary parts' of loadlabels.m which are not used for EMG signal extraction). I tried to understand the m files and changed what i thought was necessary in the loadlabels.m but am still getting errors such as the following when using getevents.m:

??? Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception:
Source: C3DServer.C3D.1
Description: File not found in specified location

Error in ==> openc3d at 43
pRet = itf.Open(file,3);

Error in ==> getEvents at 160
openc3d(itf, 0, C3Dkey.c3dFileFULL);

The C3D file I am using was created using a Vicon system and the edited loadlabels.m can be found here: ... _1__2_.c3d

If any more information is needed please just ask.

Thanks a lot for any help given.

Andre' Attard