why the plot implied time scale vs lag time is very bumpy?

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Junyan Lu
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why the plot implied time scale vs lag time is very bumpy?

Post by Junyan Lu » Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:11 pm

I have 300+ trajectories and 20ns for each. I tried many different cluster numbers. Although, sometimes the plot of implied time scalses seems converged, I can not get a smooth curve. The curves are always very bumpy. And the more cluster I use, the more bumpier they get.
How that happen?

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Robert McGibbon
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Re: why the plot implied time scale vs lag time is very bump

Post by Robert McGibbon » Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:06 pm


This is probably just statistical noise. The more clusters you have, the fewer number of transitions there are per pair of states, the the higher variance we should expect any statistical estimators to be.

Also, sorry for not checking this forum for a very long time. Please sign up for the msmbuilder-user email list, which will hopefully be a little more active than these forums. https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/li ... ilder-user


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web design
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Re: why the plot implied time scale vs lag time is very bumpy?

Post by web design » Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:23 pm

Good information has been used