Problem with fifth competition data "Overground Gait Trial"

Provide a comprehensive data set with associated models that will enable researchers to validate musculoskeletal model estimates of muscle and joint contact forces in the knee.
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chen zhenxian
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Problem with fifth competition data "Overground Gait Trial"

Post by chen zhenxian » Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:29 pm

Dear Allison

Many thanks to you and your group for releasing the data of Grand
challenge knee competition!
I am a participator of the fifth competition of WCB2014. Some Professors
suggested me further to compare my predicted results with the measured
results of more gait trails. So i am improving my model. But i find the
released part " Overground Gait Trials" of " Raw Motion Data Part 2" have
not included the measured " eTibia Data" and "EMG Data". I need the above
data to validate my model prediction of more gait trials.
Could you send me the needed data ? or could you tell me where can i
download the data?
I am looking forward your answers.
Many thanks!

Best Wishes!

Zhenxian Chen

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Allison Kinney
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Re: Problem with fifth competition data "Overground Gait Tri

Post by Allison Kinney » Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:19 pm

Hi Zhenxian,

Sorry about that. I have updated the Raw Motion Data Part 2 folder to include the eTibia data for the Overground Gait Trials. Note that the EMG Data in the Raw Data are located in the .csv files in the Video Motion Data folder.


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chen zhenxian
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Re: Problem with fifth competition data "Overground Gait Tri

Post by chen zhenxian » Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:50 am

Hi Allison

Many thanks for your help! I have got the fifth competition data.

I have another questions.

Does the first and second competition data have available C3D.file (gait trials) ??

Many thanks!

Best Wishes!

Zhenxian Chen

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Allison Kinney
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Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:41 am

Re: Problem with fifth competition data "Overground Gait Tri

Post by Allison Kinney » Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:37 pm

Hi Chen,

No we do not have .c3d files for the first and second competition data sets. These data sets were collected using a different motion capture system that does not use the .c3d format. All the information in the .c3d file is contained in the .anc, .forces, and .trc files.
