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PS_ngait_og_ss1 trial - .trc file correct?

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:53 am
by cobusmul
Hi Allison,
I am having trouble with the PS_ngait_og_ss1 trc file. The right shank and foot motion data seems to be faulty. I did check trial ss3 to test if it might be my software and processing pipeline that produce the error, and found that ss3 simulates correctly. Did you get any reports on this issue from other competitors/users?
Looking forward to your response,

Re: PS_ngait_og_ss1 trial - .trc file correct?

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:40 am
by alhall20
Hi Cobus,

I just checked the PS_ngait_og_ss1.trc file. I don't see any obvious issues with this file or differences in this file compared to the other trials. The only thing I noticed is that towards the end of the trial (after the right foot hits Force Plate #3), the RMidfootSuperior marker is not visible. Are the problems you see with the right shank and foot motion throughout the trial or in the region where the RMidfootSuperior marker is not visible? Could you try to exclude the RMidfootSuperior marker from your processing and see if that fixes the issue?


Re: PS_ngait_og_ss1 trial - .trc file correct?

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:33 am
by cobusmul
Hi Allison,
At the start of the trial, the right knee is hyper extended and internally rotated. During the next swing phase, the right knee rotates internally by more than 90 degrees. It might be that the trc file changed during the processing procedure and that this caused the error. I will download the original trc file from the simtk database and check again. I will keep you posted.
All the best,