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Marker names for the fourth competition

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:04 pm
by abde1997

I am sorry to bring up such an old topic but I have just started working on the fourth competition.

I am currently in the process of scaling a generic model to the patient JW. I am using the file "jw_staticfor3_new.trc" for the scaling process.

I have used the marker locations in the provided OpenSim model (JW Right Leg Model.osim) as reference and I have copied marker locations onto a generic full body model.

I was not having much luck with the scaling process and then I discovered that a couple of key markers are mislabel or are in incorrect locations in the "jw_staticfor3_new.trc" file. For example, the R.Asis marker is located close to the R.Shoulder marker. The marker locations are also not symmetric with respect to the patient's center line.

I have attached an image onto a google doc sheet to illustrate what I see when I "Preview Experimental Data". The R.Asis marker as circled in red. ... sp=sharing

I would really appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.
