I tried to add a weld constraint to my model, but if I write the code like this:
Code: Select all
<ConstraintSet name="constraintset">
<WeldConstraint name="tuigan1_qiufu">
And if I write the code like this :Failed to connect Socket 'frame1' of type PhysicalFrame (details: Connectee for Socket 'frame1' of type PhysicalFrame in WeldConstraint at /constraintset/tuigan1_qiufu is unspecified. If this model was built programmatically, perhaps finalizeConnections() was not called before printing.
Thrown at Component.h:3344 in finalizeConnection().).
In Object 'tuigan1_qiufu' of type WeldConstraint.
Thrown at Component.cpp:313 in finalizeConnections().
Code: Select all
<ConstraintSet name="constraintset">
<WeldConstraint name="tuigan1_qiufu">
<PhysicalOffsetFrame name="tuigan1_offset">
<!--The geometry used to display the axes of this Frame.-->
<FrameGeometry name="frame_geometry">
<!--Path to a Component that satisfies the Socket 'frame' of type Frame.-->
<!--Scale factors in X, Y, Z directions respectively.-->
<scale_factors>0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001</scale_factors>
<!--Path to a Component that satisfies the Socket 'parent' of type C (description: The parent frame to this frame.).-->
<!--Translational offset (in meters) of this frame's origin from the parent frame's origin, expressed in the parent frame.-->
<translation>0 0.021250000000000002 0.00080000000000000004</translation>
<!--Orientation offset (in radians) of this frame in its parent frame, expressed as a frame-fixed x-y-z rotation sequence.-->
<orientation>3.1416927000000001 0 0</orientation>
<PhysicalOffsetFrame name="qiufu1_offset">
<!--The geometry used to display the axes of this Frame.-->
<FrameGeometry name="frame_geometry">
<!--Path to a Component that satisfies the Socket 'frame' of type Frame.-->
<!--Scale factors in X, Y, Z directions respectively.-->
<scale_factors>0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001</scale_factors>
<!--Path to a Component that satisfies the Socket 'parent' of type C (description: The parent frame to this frame.).-->
<!--Translational offset (in meters) of this frame's origin from the parent frame's origin, expressed in the parent frame.-->
<translation>0 0.02 0</translation>
<!--Orientation offset (in radians) of this frame in its parent frame, expressed as a frame-fixed x-y-z rotation sequence.-->
<orientation>1.5708 0 0</orientation>
Thanks for your help!