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How do I determine the state transition matrix in kalman filter

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:58 am
by jp123909
Hi all,

I want to create a controller with state estimation by a Kalman filter.
To implement it, I need to calculate the transition matrix and its transpose to calculate
the estimated state.
Does Simbody have the API to access it directly?

Thank you in advance,

Re: How do I determine the state transition matrix in kalman filter

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 7:53 am
by sherm
Hi, Jiang. I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, but all the quantities that Simbody computes (for example, mass matrix, system Jacobian) are available through the SimbodyMatterSubsystem class. Here is the documentation for that class. If you look through that you should be able to find what you need.
