Thank you for the reply, but it does not work. Can you please look into file?
I have made changes in the "TaskSpaceControl-Atlas" folder.
Code: Select all
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Simbody(tm) Example: Boston Dynamics Atlas robot *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from *
* Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of *
* Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for *
* Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See *
* *
* Portions copyright (c) 2014 Stanford University and the Authors. *
* Authors: Michael Sherman *
* Contributors: Jack Wang, Chris Dembia, John Hsu *
* *
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may *
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a *
* copy of the License at *
* *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *
* limitations under the License. *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "Simbody.h"
#include "URDFReader.h"
#include "Atlas.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
using namespace SimTK;
static void createMultibodyGraph(URDFRobot& robot,
MultibodyGraphMaker& mbgraph);
static void addRobotToSimbodySystem(const std::string& auxDir,
const MultibodyGraphMaker& mbgraph,
URDFRobot& robot,
MultibodySystem& mbs,
SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter,
GeneralForceSubsystem& forces,
CompliantContactSubsystem& contact);
// Build a Simbody System of the Boston Dynamics Atlas robot.
Atlas::Atlas(const std::string& auxDir, const std::string& fileNameAndExt)
: m_matter(*this), m_forces(*this), m_tracker(*this),
m_contact(*this, m_tracker),
m_sampledAngles(*this, Stage::Dynamics, Vector()),
m_sampledRates(*this, Stage::Dynamics, Vector()),
m_sampledPelvisPose(*this, Stage::Dynamics, Transform()),
m_sampledEndEffectorPos(*this, Stage::Dynamics, Vec3(0)),
m_qNoise(*this,Stage::Dynamics,Zero), m_uNoise(*this,Stage::Dynamics,Zero)
// m_endEffectorLinkName("r_hand"), m_endEffectorStation(0,-.15,0)
const std::string urdfPathName = auxDir + "models/" + fileNameAndExt;
// Set the sensor sampling rate. TODO: should be settable.
// addEventHandler(new AtlasJointSampler(*this, 0.002));
// Read the robot file
std::cout << "Reading file: " << urdfPathName << std::endl;
Xml::Document urdf(urdfPathName);
if (urdf.getRootTag() != "robot")
throw std::runtime_error
("Expected to see document tag <robot>but saw <"
+ urdf.getRootTag() + "> instead.");
// This is a URDF robot document.
Xml::Element root = urdf.getRootElement();
std::cout << "Reading robot '"
<< root.getOptionalAttributeValue("name","NONAME") << "'\n";
createMultibodyGraph(m_urdfRobot, m_mbGraph);
// Optional: dump the graph to stdout for debugging or curiosity.
// Gravity and Ground
m_gravity = Force::Gravity(m_forces, m_matter, -SimTK::ZAxis, 0);
// Define a material to use for ground contact. This is not very stiff.
ContactMaterial groundMaterial(1e6, // stiffness
0.1, // dissipation
0.7, // mu_static
0.5, // mu_dynamic
0.5); // mu_viscous
// Add a contact surface to represent the ground.
// Half space normal is -x; must rotate about y to make it +z.
ContactSurface(ContactGeometry::HalfSpace(), groundMaterial));
// Draw world frame.
DecorativeFrame(1).setColor(Green).setLineThickness(3)); // World
// Build Simbody System
addRobotToSimbodySystem(auxDir, m_mbGraph, m_urdfRobot,
*this, m_matter, m_forces, m_contact);
// Define URDF joint types, then use links and joints in the given model
// to construct a reasonable spanning-tree-plus-constraints multibody graph
// to represent that model. An exception will be thrown if this fails.
// Note that this step is not Simbody dependent.
static void createMultibodyGraph(URDFRobot& robot,
MultibodyGraphMaker& mbgraph) {
// Step 1: Tell MultibodyGraphMaker about joints it should know about.
mbgraph.setWeldJointTypeName("fixed"); // 0 dofs, Weld
mbgraph.setFreeJointTypeName("floating"); // 6 dofs, Free
// URDF name #dofs Simbody equivalent
mbgraph.addJointType("revolute", 1); // Pin with limits
mbgraph.addJointType("continuous", 1); // Pin with no limits
mbgraph.addJointType("planar", 3); // Planar
// Step 2: Tell it about all the links we read from the input file,
// starting with world, and provide a reference pointer.
for (int lx=0; lx < robot.links.size(); ++lx) {
URDFLinkInfo& link = robot.links.updLink(lx);
mbgraph.addBody(, link.massProps.getMass(),
link.mustBeBaseLink, &link);
// Step 3: Tell it about all the joints we read from the input file,
// and provide a reference pointer.
for (int jx=0; jx < robot.joints.size(); ++jx) {
URDFJointInfo& joint = robot.joints.updJoint(jx);
mbgraph.addJoint(, joint.type, joint.parent, joint.child,
joint.mustBreakLoopHere, &joint);
// Setp 4. Generate the multibody graph.
void Atlas::initialize(SimTK::State& state) {
state = realizeTopology();
const int nq=state.getNQ(), nu=state.getNU();
for (int j=0; j < (int)m_urdfRobot.joints.size(); ++j) {
const URDFJointInfo& joint = m_urdfRobot.joints.getJoint(j);
const MobilizedBody& mobod = joint.mobod;
const int nu = mobod.getNumU(state), nq = mobod.getNumQ(state);
const int u0 = mobod.getFirstUIndex(state);
const int q0 = mobod.getFirstQIndex(state);
// Given a desired multibody graph, gravity, and the URDF robot that was
// used to generate the graph, add elements to the Simbody System to represent
// it. There are many limitations here, especially in the handling of contact.
// Any URDF features that we haven't roboted are just ignored.
// The URDFRobot is updated so that its links and joints have references to
// their corresponding Simbody elements.
static void addRobotToSimbodySystem(const std::string& auxDir,
const MultibodyGraphMaker& mbgraph,
URDFRobot& robot,
MultibodySystem& mbs,
SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter,
GeneralForceSubsystem& forces,
CompliantContactSubsystem& contact)
const std::string& freeJointName = mbgraph.getFreeJointTypeName();
const std::string& weldJointName = mbgraph.getWeldJointTypeName();
// Define a material to use for contact. This is not very stiff.
ContactMaterial material(1e6, // stiffness
0.1, // dissipation
0.7, // mu_static
0.5, // mu_dynamic
0.5); // mu_viscous
// Draw the robot frame.
DecorativeFrame(.75).setColor(Orange).setLineThickness(3)); // Model
// Generate a contact clique we can put collision geometry in to prevent
// self-collisions.
robot.robotClique = ContactSurface::createNewContactClique();
// Record the MobilizedBody for the World link.
robot.links.updLink(0).masterMobod = matter.Ground();
// Run through all the mobilizers in the multibody graph, adding a Simbody
// MobilizedBody for each one. Also add visual and collision geometry to the
// bodies when they are mobilized.
for (int mobNum=0; mobNum < mbgraph.getNumMobilizers(); ++mobNum) {
// Get a mobilizer from the graph, then extract its corresponding
// joint and bodies. Note that these don't necessarily have equivalents
// in the URDFLink and URDFJoint inputs.
const MultibodyGraphMaker::Mobilizer& mob = mbgraph.getMobilizer(mobNum);
const std::string& type = mob.getJointTypeName();
// The inboard body always corresponds to one of the input links,
// because a slave link is always the outboard body of a mobilizer.
// The outboard body may be slave, but its master body is one of the
// URDF input links.
const bool isSlave = mob.isSlaveMobilizer();
URDFLinkInfo& gzInb = *(URDFLinkInfo*)mob.getInboardBodyRef();
URDFLinkInfo& gzOutb = *(URDFLinkInfo*)mob.getOutboardMasterBodyRef();
const MassProperties massProps =
//std::cout << "link=" << << std::endl;
//std::cout << " " << massProps << std::endl;
// This will reference the new mobilized body once we create it.
MobilizedBody mobod;
if (robot.isStatic) {
mobod = matter.updGround();
} else if (mob.isAddedBaseMobilizer()) {
// There is no corresponding URDF joint for this mobilizer.
// Create the joint and set its default position to be the default
// pose of the base link relative to the Ground frame.
assert(type==freeJointName); // May add more types later
if (type == freeJointName) {
MobilizedBody::Free freeJoint(
gzInb.masterMobod, Transform(),
massProps, Transform());
mobod = freeJoint;
} else {
// This mobilizer does correspond to one of the input joints.
URDFJointInfo& gzJoint = *(URDFJointInfo*)mob.getJointRef();
const bool isReversed = mob.isReversedFromJoint();
// Find inboard and outboard frames for the mobilizer; these are
// parent and child frames or the reverse.
const Transform& X_IF0 = isReversed ? gzJoint.X_CB : gzJoint.X_PA;
const Transform& X_OM0 = isReversed ? gzJoint.X_PA : gzJoint.X_CB;
const MobilizedBody::Direction direction =
isReversed ? MobilizedBody::Reverse : MobilizedBody::Forward;
// Here we are using a Simbody Bushing joint to implement "floating"
// so that we'll have Euler angle rotations & derivatives rather
// than the quaternions we would get with a Simbody Free joint.
// Of course that does mean there will be a singularity somewhere.
// This makes it easier to apply prescribed motion.
if (type == freeJointName) {
MobilizedBody::Bushing freeJoint(
gzInb.masterMobod, X_IF0,
massProps, X_OM0,
Transform defX_FM = isReversed ? Transform(~gzJoint.defX_AB)
: gzJoint.defX_AB;
mobod = freeJoint;
// Pin joint with no limits
} else if (type == "continuous") {
Xml::Element axisElt = gzJoint.element.getRequiredElement("axis");
UnitVec3 axis =
Rotation R_JZ(axis, ZAxis); // Simbody's pin is along Z
Transform X_IF(X_IF0.R()*R_JZ, X_IF0.p());
Transform X_OM(X_OM0.R()*R_JZ, X_OM0.p());
MobilizedBody::Pin pinJoint(
gzInb.masterMobod, X_IF,
massProps, X_OM,
mobod = pinJoint;
// KLUDGE add spring (stiffness proportional to mass)
// Pin joint with limits
} else if (type == "revolute") {
Xml::Element axisElt = gzJoint.element.getRequiredElement("axis");
UnitVec3 axis =
Rotation R_JZ(axis, ZAxis); // Simbody's pin is along Z
Transform X_IF(X_IF0.R()*R_JZ, X_IF0.p());
Transform X_OM(X_OM0.R()*R_JZ, X_OM0.p());
MobilizedBody::Pin pinJoint(
gzInb.masterMobod, X_IF,
massProps, X_OM,
mobod = pinJoint;
// KLUDGE add spring (stiffness proportional to mass)
} else if (type == "prismatic") {
Xml::Element axisElt = gzJoint.element.getRequiredElement("axis");
UnitVec3 axis =
Rotation R_JX(axis, XAxis); // Simbody's slider is along X
Transform X_IF(X_IF0.R()*R_JX, X_IF0.p());
Transform X_OM(X_OM0.R()*R_JX, X_OM0.p());
MobilizedBody::Slider sliderJoint(
gzInb.masterMobod, X_IF,
massProps, X_OM,
mobod = sliderJoint;
// KLUDGE add spring (stiffness proportional to mass)
} else if (type == "ball") {
MobilizedBody::Ball ballJoint(
gzInb.masterMobod, X_IF0,
massProps, X_OM0,
Rotation defR_FM = isReversed
? Rotation(~gzJoint.defX_AB.R())
: gzJoint.defX_AB.R();
mobod = ballJoint;
} else if (type == weldJointName) {
MobilizedBody::Weld weldJoint(
gzInb.masterMobod, X_IF0,
massProps, X_OM0);
mobod = weldJoint;
// Created a mobilizer that corresponds to gzJoint. Keep track.
gzJoint.mobod = mobod;
gzJoint.isReversed = isReversed;
// Link gzOutb has been mobilized; keep track for later.
if (isSlave) gzOutb.slaveMobods.push_back(mobod);
else gzOutb.masterMobod = mobod;
// A mobilizer has been created; now add the visual and collision
// geometry for the new mobilized body.
Xml::Element master = gzOutb.element;
Vec3 color = isSlave ? Red : Cyan;
Real scale = isSlave ? 0.9 : 1.;
if (master.isValid()) {
Array_<Xml::Element> visuals = master.getAllElements("visual");
for (unsigned i=0; i < visuals.size(); ++i) {
Transform X_LV = URDF::getOrigin(visuals[i]);
Xml::Element geo = visuals[i].getRequiredElement("geometry");
Xml::Element box = geo.getOptionalElement("box");
if (box.isValid()) {
Vec3 sz = box.getRequiredAttributeValueAs<Vec3>("size");
X_LV, DecorativeBrick(sz/2).setOpacity(.5)
Xml::Element sphere = geo.getOptionalElement("sphere");
if (sphere.isValid()) {
Real r = sphere.getRequiredAttributeValueAs<Real>("radius");
X_LV, DecorativeSphere(r).setOpacity(.5)
Xml::Element cyl = geo.getOptionalElement("cylinder");
if (cyl.isValid()) {
Real r = cyl.getRequiredAttributeValueAs<Real>("radius");
Real l = cyl.getRequiredAttributeValueAs<Real>("length");
// Cylinder is along Z in URDF, Y in Simbody
Rotation YtoZ(Pi/2, XAxis);
Transform(X_LV.R()*YtoZ, X_LV.p()),
DecorativeCylinder(r, l/2).setOpacity(.5)
Xml::Element meshFile = geo.getOptionalElement("mesh");
if (meshFile.isValid()) {
std::string pathname =
const std::string::size_type spos = pathname.rfind('/');
if (spos != std::string::npos)
pathname = pathname.substr(spos+1);
const Vec3 scale =
("scale", Vec3(1));
bool isAbsolutePath; std::string dir, fn, ext;
Pathname::deconstructPathname(pathname, isAbsolutePath,
dir, fn, ext);
PolygonalMesh polyMesh;
polyMesh.loadStlFile(auxDir + "geometry/" + fn + ".stl");
DecorativeMesh decMesh(polyMesh);
mobod.addBodyDecoration(X_LV, decMesh);
Array_<Xml::Element> coll = master.getAllElements("collision");
const Vec3 collColor = robot.isStatic ? Green : Gray;
//TODO: disabled
for (unsigned i=0; i < 0*coll.size(); ++i) {
Transform X_LC = URDF::getOrigin(coll[i]);
Xml::Element geo = coll[i].getRequiredElement("geometry");
// Model sphere collision surface.
Xml::Element sphere = geo.getOptionalElement("sphere");
if (sphere.isValid()) {
Real r = sphere.getRequiredAttributeValueAs<Real>("radius");
X_LC, DecorativeSphere(r)
ContactSurface surface(ContactGeometry::Sphere(r),
if (!gzOutb.selfCollide)
mobod.updBody().addContactSurface(X_LC, surface);
// Model cylinder collision surface (must fake with ellipsoid).
Xml::Element cyl = geo.getOptionalElement("cylinder");
if (cyl.isValid()) {
Real r = cyl.getRequiredAttributeValueAs<Real>("radius");
Real len = cyl.getRequiredAttributeValueAs<Real>("length");
// Cylinder is along Z in URDF
Vec3 esz = Vec3(r,r,len/2); // Use ellipsoid instead
ContactSurface surface(ContactGeometry::Ellipsoid(esz),
const int resolution = 0; // chunky hexagonal shape
const PolygonalMesh mesh = PolygonalMesh::
const ContactGeometry::TriangleMesh triMesh(mesh);
ContactSurface surface(triMesh, material,1 /*Thickness*/);
if (!gzOutb.selfCollide)
mobod.updBody().addContactSurface(X_LC, surface);
// Model box collision surface (must fake with ellipsoid).
Xml::Element box = geo.getOptionalElement("box");
if (box.isValid()) {
Vec3 hsz = box.getRequiredAttributeValueAs<Vec3>("size")/2;
DecorativeEllipsoid(hsz) // use half dimensions
ContactSurface surface(ContactGeometry::Ellipsoid(hsz),
const int resolution = 20; // need dense to get near corners
const PolygonalMesh mesh = PolygonalMesh::
const ContactGeometry::TriangleMesh triMesh(mesh);
ContactSurface surface(triMesh, material,1 /*Thickness*/);
if (!gzOutb.selfCollide)
mobod.updBody().addContactSurface(X_LC, surface);
// Weld the slaves to their masters.
for (int lx=0; lx < robot.links.size(); ++lx) {
URDFLinkInfo& link = robot.links.updLink(lx);
if (link.slaveMobods.empty()) continue;
for (unsigned i=0; i < link.slaveMobods.size(); ++i) {
Constraint::Weld weld(link.masterMobod, link.slaveMobods[i]);
link.slaveWelds.push_back(weld); // in case we want to know later
// Add the loop joints if any.
for (int lcx=0; lcx < mbgraph.getNumLoopConstraints(); ++lcx) {
const MultibodyGraphMaker::LoopConstraint& loop =
URDFJointInfo& joint = *(URDFJointInfo*)loop.getJointRef();
URDFLinkInfo& parent = *(URDFLinkInfo*) loop.getParentBodyRef();
URDFLinkInfo& child = *(URDFLinkInfo*) loop.getChildBodyRef();
if (joint.type == weldJointName) {
Constraint::Weld weld(parent.masterMobod, joint.X_PA,
child.masterMobod, joint.X_CB);
joint.constraint = weld;
} else if (joint.type == "ball") {
Constraint::Ball ball(parent.masterMobod, joint.X_PA.p(),
child.masterMobod, joint.X_CB.p());
joint.constraint = ball;
} else if (joint.type == freeJointName) {
// A "free" loop constraint is no constraint at all so we can
// just ignore it. It might be more convenient if there were
// a 0-constraint Constraint::Free, just as there is a 0-mobility
// MobilizedBody::Weld.
} else
throw std::runtime_error(
"Unrecognized loop constraint type '" + joint.type + "'.");