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Determination of joint moments

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 4:06 am
by kishan
I did a project on Wrist model to grasp a ball.I created a motion file for the wrist model to achieve the ball grasp activity.I wanted to calculate joint moments and muscle moments of the finger joints and muscles.I carried out the following steps

1.I created contact spheres on each finger segments.Also I created a contact sphere perfectly enclosing the ball.

2.I used inverse dynamics simulation technique to calculate the joint and muscle moments

3.I obtained the joint torques and muscle torques for the motion file (0.2 to 1.2 seconds)

But my static optimization reports constraint violations.Since I need only Joint and muscle moments , can I take up only the inverse dynamics results.Is that right ?

Any possible feedbacks would be of great help?

Thank you