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Assertion failed in MultibodySystemRep.h

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 11:37 am
by mariakrgrg
I am trying to visualize some contact forces and I follow the ExampleContactPlayground.cpp.
In my case I try to assign my model's multibody system to appropriate classes but it fails.
Here is what I am doing:

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	SimTK::State& si = model.initSystem();
	MultibodySystem& system = model.updMultibodySystem();
	ContactTrackerSubsystem  tracker(system);
   CompliantContactSubsystem contactForces(system, tracker);
	SimbodyMatterSubsystem  matter( system);
In last line program aborts with this message:

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Assertion failed: !matterSub.isValid(), file c:\...\MultibodySystemRep.h, line 311
Any ideas?