I have a question about the boundary conditions as implemented in Version 2 of the Generation 1 model. From what I can see in the FEB file (tf_joint_FEBio_v2.feb), it appears that the prescribed kinematics are applied over the interval 0 to 1 s, but in version 1 this was done over the interval 1 to 2 s. Also, in Version 2 it appears that neither kinematic nor force constraints are changing between the interval 1 to 2 s.
Here are the relevant sections of the FEB file:
Code: Select all
<rigid_body mat="1">
<prescribed bc="Rx" lc="2">0.785</prescribed>
<loadcurve id="2" type="smooth">
I assume that this means simply that the new version's boundary conditions do not precisely replicate the previous version's?
Please confirm at your convenience.