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File not opening.
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 11:10 pm
by vpvmech
I have downloaded the file. It is in .NII format. Cannot be imported in the Abaqus. Also when I downloaded the package from, it is mentioned that the package has 3D Solidworks model, Abaqus inp file. But no such files were there. One 5 MB file was downloaded and the extension is also showing as File. Kindly help me in this regard. Thanks
Re: File not opening.
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 7:54 am
by aerdemir
Dear Prasanna,
.NII format is for storing images, e.g. MRIs of the knee. They are NOT model files. Open Knee(s) - Generation 1 has meshes as .inp files that can be imported to Abaqus. Nonetheless, all our model files for Generation 1 and Generation 2 (see wiki page "Roadmap") are in FEBio format (.feb) which is an XML file.
About, this is a sister project (and model) provided by Cal Poly group not us. We did not prepare the dissemination for that. Your best bet is to reach out to them.