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Error running default tf_joint.feb file

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:52 pm
by cesarleonelflores83

I'm running febio 1.3.0 in Windows XP 32 bit. I just downloaded open knee 1.01 and submitted the default tf_joint.feb file for analysis and got the following error:

Enter input file: M:\Downloads\openknee_v1-0-1\src\tf_joint.feb

FATAL ERROR: unrecognized tag "search_radius" (line 214181)

This might be an febio question but maybe you've encountered this problem before?

RE: Error running default tf_joint.feb file

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:57 am
by aerdemir


I started a thread in FEBio forum about that; see ... php?p=1247

Search radius in FEBio has recently been implemented to facilitate resolution of contact between structures. It may be possible that the version that you have been using was compiled before this implementation. At this moment, you may delete that line in the tf_joint.feb and try to run the model. There may be contact convergence issues that may cause instability for the solution process. Also, follow the FEBio forum URL above to see if a newer executable becomes available for XP 32 bit.



RE: Error running default tf_joint.feb file

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:32 am
by cesarleonelflores83
Hi Ahmet,

I installed the latest version of febio 1.3.0 and the issue has been resolved.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,
