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FEBio v.2.1 compatibility

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:50 am
by tpataky
I'm trying to run the updated version (tf_joint_FEBio_v2.feb) in FEBio v.2.1 on Mac OS X but receive the following errors:

Failed loading plugin libFENeoHookeanPI.dylib
Reason: Failed to load the file.

FATAL ERROR: Rigid body rotations cannot mix prescribed and free components.
Rigid body: 0, Material: 0

I thought the neo-hookean plugin was already available in the standard FEBio release?
Do I need to build the plugin separately?


Re: FEBio v.2.1 compatibility

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:50 pm
by aerdemir
Hi Todd,

I am relaying the information I got from Steve Maas. Apparently you don't need a plugin for the Open Knee(s) - Generation 1 model. You may want to remove the import line from febio configuration file (febio.xml) if there is any. Also, the error about NeoHookean plugin is a warning. The simulation does not work due to "FATAL ERROR: Rigid body rotations cannot mix prescribed and free components." This issue was just recently addressed. The version that I was getting this model ran was FEBio v2.1.2.6432. I am wondering if the MAC version is older. You may want to use the latest available version of FEBio.



Re: FEBio v.2.1 compatibility

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:59 pm
by tpataky
Hi Ahmet,
Thanks for your fast reply.
Problem solved! Everything seems to work fine with the newest FEBio version (v.2.2)