Export of FE-Files to LS Dyna
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 4:01 pm
Hello everybody 
Is it possible to export the fe files of the knee model into another solver code, like LS Dyna? I only have a student version of abaqus with which I can't export it to antoher file type.
The reason why I want to export it to another solver is the following: In Abaqus all of the parts of the knee joint are separated only to two parts - shell and solid parts. But I would like to separate them to all the knee parts, so that in the end i've got a femur part, a tibia part, a menisci part etc..
Would be great to hear from you again
Kind regards,

Is it possible to export the fe files of the knee model into another solver code, like LS Dyna? I only have a student version of abaqus with which I can't export it to antoher file type.
The reason why I want to export it to another solver is the following: In Abaqus all of the parts of the knee joint are separated only to two parts - shell and solid parts. But I would like to separate them to all the knee parts, so that in the end i've got a femur part, a tibia part, a menisci part etc..
Would be great to hear from you again

Kind regards,