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WCB Attendance

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:21 pm
by brycekillen05
Greetings MAP users / followers ,

I am wanting to get a gauge of how many users / followers are attending the upcoming World Congress of Biomechanics in July 2018 in Dublin.

If you are attending and are either a user , someone who is interested in getting started with MAP or just interested in the project please reply to the attached poll. Depending on numbers it would be great to organize a social meet and greet so we can strengthen the use of MAP and ties between users.

I would also be very interested if you are presenting anything related / using MAP.

Thanks in advance

Bryce Killen

Re: WCB Attendance

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 10:30 pm
by brycekillen05
Some more info regarding the meetup
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