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Ankle sprain simulation controllers

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:07 pm
by eskimo
Good evening,

I´m a student of university of the porto, course of Mechanical Engineering, and at the moment I'm doing the master's thesis. Which consists of the study of ankle sprain, for this, I used the opensim to incorporate the lateral ligaments of the ankle. Subsequently ,i created a trapdoor
which allows a 30 degree inversion of the subtalar joint, the objective is to compare the muscular responses of the solear, peronial long and short peronial muscles ( I dont have experimental data). I used the forward dymanic to get results, and the kinetic and dynamic data are correct. But, the Muscles are not activating, I think this happens because I dont have controllers in the model. I tried using the reflex controller, as in the toydroplanding model, the muscles already activate, but not correctly. So I ask for guidance on which of the most appropriate controller I should use. I know there is a plugin that has a library of drivers, eg, delayedpathreflexcontroller, which may possibly result in this case. Since this plugin is not available to download, I wanted to ask permission to use it.

Thank you Ricardo Lameira