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muscle excitations not found in file

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:58 am
by itzelmg1
I started working on the calibration of a subject, and I'm running into this error while starting the calibration.

2020-08-28 162006.png
2020-08-28 162006.png (62.83 KiB) Viewed 625 times

I've already done other calibrations and I haven't run into this error before. I checked my emg files and excitation generator file and all the muscles are listed.

2020-08-28 172114.png
2020-08-28 172114.png (40.54 KiB) Viewed 625 times

I checked all my trial files and compared them with the trial configuration files from previous calibrations but there is no difference between them. Do you know what could be the issue?

Re: muscle excitations not found in file

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:13 am
by fdavenport6

I know this issue is two years old, but I was wondering if you resolved it and if you recall how you resolved it? I'm running into a similar issue with a Moment Arm file not being found.

Thank you

Re: muscle excitations not found in file

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:08 pm
by fdavenport6
Ignore my above post, I figured out my issue and it was the smallest detail! I will describe below just in case anyone else is searching these forums with the same issue in the future:

In my automated pipeline, there are unique .xml files for Muscle Analysis information per trial. Within it, there is a line which defines the coordinates we are looking for CEINMS to solve for named "moment_arm_coordinate_list".
On the other hand, in my uncalibrated subject .xml file, in the lines it was defining degrees of freedom and the muscles which interact with each, the names should also match the name as it's listed in the Muscle Analysis coordinates list... My error derived from the dof's being named after the file name of the .sto file, not the coordinate variable names.