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CEINMS: Excitation and input file muscle name is different

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 6:54 am
by gokul155
CEINMS: Excitation and input file muscle name is different

Hi all

I got this error 'The excitation generator is not able to generate excitations for your muscles.
Muscle names are different between the excitation generator and input file' I tried many ways in changing the names in the data file and XML file also I tried in OpenSim muscle analysis tool like altering the 'moment arm coordinate list'. It would be great if someone helps me out with this

Thank you in advance

Re: CEINMS: Excitation and input file muscle name is different

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:05 am
by zakiahussain
I think m pretty late to respond.

the labels of emg.mot shud match with the <input signals> tag of excitation generator.xml