SynthMTU and Errors from Hybrid mode Static Optimization
Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 1:10 am
I'm currently trying to synthesize some MTU (hallux flexor and extensor) in a problem with flexion-extension of the ankle and the knee. Everything works well in open-loop mode and hybrid mode without any muscle synthesized.
I'm writing these muscles in the execution configuration files :
but an error occurs :
I didn't see any clue in the CEINMS user guide. Should I add information somewhere to make it work ?
I have a second question. Is there a way to retrieve Static Optimizations Errors from CEINMS hybrid mode ?
I am wondering if someone has already encountered these issues.
I would greatly appreciated your help.
I'm currently trying to synthesize some MTU (hallux flexor and extensor) in a problem with flexion-extension of the ankle and the knee. Everything works well in open-loop mode and hybrid mode without any muscle synthesized.
I'm writing these muscles in the execution configuration files :
Code: Select all
<synthMTUs>flex_hal_r ext_hal_r</synthMTUs>
Code: Select all
starting consume
Optimizing timeframe 2.01
muscle forces
-0.172003 0.0255988 0.185665 -0.0480982 56.4251 191.626 505.558 3.02682 302.82 210.574 280.415 6.00532 52.1977 32.8996 216.431
Error in RecursiveEMGs_Hybrid: muscle name not found
I have a second question. Is there a way to retrieve Static Optimizations Errors from CEINMS hybrid mode ?
I am wondering if someone has already encountered these issues.
I would greatly appreciated your help.