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Adjust activations output of CEINMSexecute

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 3:16 am
by sariah

I am running CEINMSexecute on a calibrated model and getting out optimized muscle activations. However the activation profile of the tricep long of upper limb was not as i expected.

So i tried first to modify the input weight in excitation generator xml file for TRIlong excitation , yet not as I expected.

I am running hybrid mode CEINMSexecute. I want to ask if there is parameters that I can modify to affect the optimized activation output of TRIlong ( Optimization algorithm weights , for exmaple ? or other parameters than the ones in ExcitationGenerator xml file)

Thanks in advance

Re: Adjust activations output of CEINMSexecute

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 3:53 pm
by backdrifts
Update for other possible readers.
Sariah and I are figuring out the issue, and we'll provide an update as soon as we have a valid solution.