Static Optimization with Controls

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Alex MacIntosh
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Static Optimization with Controls

Post by Alex MacIntosh » Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:01 pm


I am trying to complete a static optimization while also constraining certain muscles activities.

I have tried to use the Analyze Tool, where I entered a control .xml nodes file for muscle activation of 4 out of 7 muscles and then run Static Optimization to estimate the activation of the other 3 muscles. When I do this however, it does not seem to be using the controls file at all. When I run this in the command line, there is no indication that the controls .xml is being loaded, I am not sure if I am going about this the right way, or if there is something I am missing.

Any suggestions or comments about how to incorporate controls into the static optimization analysis would be really helpful.



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Alex MacIntosh
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Re: Static Optimization with Controls

Post by Alex MacIntosh » Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:16 am

Just as a follow up, I have also tried to input a states file with the desired muscle activity through the analysis tool.

It seems like the only control signal that Static Optimization respects are the muscle's min and max control values set in the model, and not the frame by frame controls.

If anyone could describe how Static Optimization chooses which control signal to follow, It would be a gigantic help, even just to explain why I am unable to complete this.



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Donald Hume
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Re: Static Optimization with Controls

Post by Donald Hume » Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:24 pm

Hi Alex,

Did you have an success with this? I'm also interested in constraining activation in static optimization. Please let me know if you've been able to get this going.


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jimmy d
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Re: Static Optimization with Controls

Post by jimmy d » Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:19 pm

Hi Alex and Don,

Static Optimization is an inherently inverse technique. It doesn't have any inputs for control. As Alex noted, you can change the bounds but thats about it. If you have specific controls that you want to input, you will need to look at using CMC.

Hope that helps,