I am currently trying to perform an Induced Acceleration Analysis (IAA) with opensim 3.2.
Briefly I performed a static Optimization with an upperLimb model to know the muscle forces and activations during a lifting task.
Now I would like to know the contribution of each muscle in the box linear acceleration (the box is a segment of the model)
If I have understood performing IAA from static optimization required the following input files:
- compute_potentials_only : true
- bodyName : box (in our case)
other files
-actuators_settings.xml (the same file as the one for static optimization)
-externalForces.xml, containing external forces, torques and point of application (in our case we measured the forces and torques between the hand and the handgrip of the box, but not the ground reaction forces)
-inverse_kinematics_results.mot (no RAA in our case because we did not measure the ground reaction forces)
Then I should multiply my results by the actuators forces obtained with the static optimization.
When I performe the IAA with these previous settings I obtain the foolowing error message
Code: Select all
Adding force object set from E:\Projet_Yoann\muscle_contribution_box_acceleration\sujets\DamGd\results_constraints\Conf_SO_Actuators.xml
Loading coordinates from file E:\Projet_Yoann\muscle_contribution_box_acceleration\sujets\DamGd\results_constraints\Results_IK.mot.
Storage: file=E:\Projet_Yoann\muscle_contribution_box_acceleration\sujets\DamGd\results_constraints\Results_IK.mot (nr=429 nc=23)
Low-pass filtering coordinates data with a cutoff frequency of 6...
Found 857 state vectors with time stamps ranging from 0.87 to 9.43.
Old version storage/motion file encountered
Storage: file=DamGH6H1_2f.mot (nr=4281 nc=10)
.. assuming rotations in Degrees.
Data source being set to DamGH6H1_2f.mot
Executing the analyses from 5 to 6...
Performing Induced Accelerations Analysis
time = 5
ArrayPtrs.get: Array index out of bounds.
If I perform the IAA without the external forces, it runs perfectly
Should I add a constraint in the IAA settings file such as <RollongOnSurfaceConstraint name="Reaction"> (Reaction is the name of my external forces in the externalForces.xlm file)
My second questions concern the results, when I get some (without external forces), I obtaine 6 values for each actuator. For example for the anterior deltoid I get:
Could someone tell me to what these values refer?
Thank you in advance