prescribe motion in model

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Ashley Heers
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Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:20 am

prescribe motion in model

Post by Ashley Heers » Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:11 am

Hello, all,

I am using matlab to add prescribed motion to my model (prescribeMotionInModel.m). I got the function to work once, but now I am trying to prescribe motion for a different set of kinematics (different mot file) and matlab is giving results for my original mot file. When I look at the out log, I see "old version storage/motion file encountered", but I cannot figure out how to delete that older file. I've tried clearing the workspace, restarting and rehashing, but no luck. Has anyone encountered this problem and fixed it? I don't use matlab very often, so it may be something pretty obvious...


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jimmy d
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Re: prescribe motion in model

Post by jimmy d » Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:07 pm

Hi Ashley,

This sounds like the file paths entering the function haven't been updated to point at the new motion file and you are using the original mot file each time.

Are you still having this issue?

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Ashley Heers
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:20 am

Re: prescribe motion in model

Post by Ashley Heers » Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:12 am

Yes, I am still having the problem. Not sure how to update the file path, especially since the original file no longer exists... Any suggestions? Thanks!