Setting up matlab scripting enviroment

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Kathleen Jagodnik
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Re: Setting up Matlab scripting enviroment

Post by Kathleen Jagodnik » Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:31 am

Kristen had written: "I was able to fix the problem by changing the admin privileges of my computer"

To expand upon and clarify that suggestion: I right-clicked on the MATLAB icon on my desktop, and selected the option "Run as Administrator". Now, when I run the configureOpenSim.m script, I receive the following success message:

“Paths have been successfully updated. To complete setup, restart Matlab. To test your setup, type:
model = org.opensim.modeling.Model();”

Hope this helps.

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Brett Salazar
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Re: Setting up matlab scripting enviroment

Post by Brett Salazar » Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:14 pm

I had an identical issue and I was able to solve it by changing line 87 from:

fileID = fopen(txtname,'w');


fileID = fopen(txtname);

Hope this helps anyone else having this issue!


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Matt Adams
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Re: Setting up matlab scripting enviroment

Post by Matt Adams » Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:49 am

This is likely long overdue and I'm guessing most have solved the issue already. However, here's how I was able to make it all work:

1) Run Matlab as a system administrator. Looks like you need this privilege to at least do the automated configuration on Windows 10.
2) make sure the error you are getting is the one that Kristen mentioned earlier.
3) In Matlab, navigate to your OpenSim_Install_directory\Scripts\Matlab. (For me, this was C:\OpenSim 3.3\Scripts\Matlab .)
4) open the "configureOpenSim.m" file and run.

Should at least eliminate that error.


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Aaron Godfrey
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Re: Setting up matlab scripting enviroment

Post by Aaron Godfrey » Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:15 am

bsalazar wrote:I had an identical issue and I was able to solve it by changing line 87 from:

fileID = fopen(txtname,'w');


fileID = fopen(txtname);

Hope this helps anyone else having this issue!


Bumping the thread so people see this - this is the solution. Have admin privileges and make this change. I had this issue, got rid of 'w', and it worked fine.

Thanks Brett!

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Julian Atkinson
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Re: Setting up matlab scripting enviroment

Post by Julian Atkinson » Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:15 am

Hi there

I solved this my running matlab in administrator mode.