moment arms in sensitivity analysis

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Julie Ellis
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moment arms in sensitivity analysis

Post by Julie Ellis » Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:21 am


We are currently working with a modified version of the Upper Limb Model. We are planning to conduct a sensitivity analysis looking at various model parameters including muscle moment arms. In order to systematically test this I think we would need to sort of interject the static optimization process with user defined moment arms, which I don't really see as possible. Does anyone have any ideas or possible solutions for this? Or ideas on how we might be able to examine model sensitivity to fluctuations in moment arms? Thank you in advance for your thoughts on this.


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jimmy d
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Re: moment arms in sensitivity analysis

Post by jimmy d » Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:17 pm

You can get access to the static optimization (SO) in scripting. Building a script around this will allow you to run an SO for any one time point.