tkuchida wrote:Another thought: I don't think the packaged installers include Debug libraries. Have you been building in Debug mode or are these issues present when building in Release mode as well?
Dear Uchida:
Thank you for your reply!
I have use the compile mode RelwithDebInfo and succeeded in IK, ID and static optimization analysis in the same main() function. All of them can produce right sto file results: for example, the following code runs very well with sto result:
" //InverseKinematicsTool IKtool("F:/ResearchRef/Project/phD/Thesis/Experimental data/Lanee/dosi/lanee dorsi IK setting.xml");
////IKtool.setMarkerDataFileName("D:/Lanee dosi.trc");
//IKtool.setStartTime(70.487); IKtool.setEndTime(71.927);
////IKtool.setOutputMotionFileName("C:/Users/Zilong/Desktop/IK test output.mot");
Only the ScaleTool object and visulization through API has such unhandled exception problem.
I use RelwithDebInfo mode, which is instructed by the opensim documents guide for API develpment, hence the problem emerges.
I changed to release mode, the issue is the same. (in Visual Studio Opensim development, only the two options exist)
As you said, the Debug libraries are not included by installer. How could I solve this ? Or where to find the debug libraries and add ?
Thanks & Regards,