problems about building model

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cui weiling
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Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:28 am

problems about building model

Post by cui weiling » Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:22 pm

I'm recentently building a model using personalized bone geometry by nmsbuilder which can generate a .osim file including mass,intertial, etc. When I understood the COM on OpenSim, I confused that .VTP files are Solid or hollow which have great impact on segment COM. I have known that opensim software studies the relationship between rigid bodies which internal structure of bodys is unimportant, and if I wanted to building a model by nmsbuilder, is it necessary to fill the internal structure of bone? if not, how I get mass,intertial, etc?
Looking forward to everyone's guidance.

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Bryce Killen
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Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:12 pm

Re: problems about building model

Post by Bryce Killen » Mon Mar 12, 2018 7:04 pm


From memory you only need the "shell" of a geometry as uses the volume and density of the bone and the surrounding skin hull to calculate the mass and inertial properties. Future questions about NMS builder are probably best directed to the developers of NMSbuilder ( .
