dlm read error

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raman samberia
Posts: 28
Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:29 pm

dlm read error

Post by raman samberia » Thu Jun 07, 2018 6:34 am

i am trying to read actuation_power.sto file in matlab using command
x = dlmread('CMCResults\3_ik\3_Actuation_power.sto', '\t', 24,0);
but its giving me error
Mismatch between file and format character vector.
Trouble reading 'Numeric' field from file (row number 1621, field number 33) ==> #QNAN000
-0.08174060 -0.00417017 -0.01498641 -0.00461682 -0.00923849
0.00108106 0.00036024 -0.00624527 -0.01703937 0.00229797
0.00460482 ...

i have also used command uiimport but it is not able to read the file completly


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Dimitar Stanev
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Joined: Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:14 am

Re: dlm read error

Post by Dimitar Stanev » Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:16 am

Please use the following function to load .sto files:

Code: Select all

function q = readMotionFile(fname)
% Purpose:  This function reads a file in the format of a SIMM motion file
%           and returns a data structure
% Input:    fname is the name of the ascii datafile to be read 
%           ('character array') 
% Output:   q returns a structure with the following format:
%				q.labels 	= array of column labels
%				q.data 		= matrix of data
%				q.nr 		= number of matrix rows
%				q.nc 		= number of matrix columns
% ASA 12/03
% Modified by Eran Guendelman 09/06
% Open ascii data file for reading.
fid = fopen(fname, 'r');	
if fid == -1								
	error(['unable to open ', fname])		
% Process the file header;
% store # data rows, # data columns.
q.nr = 0; % Added to ensure that the q structures from reading a motion file
q.nc = 0; % are always the same, even if nr and nc are different orders in file.
nextline = fgetl(fid);	
header = {nextline};
while ~strncmpi(nextline, 'endheader', length('endheader'))
	if strncmpi(nextline, 'datacolumns', length('datacolumns'))
		q.nc = str2num(nextline(findstr(nextline, ' ')+1 : length(nextline)));
	elseif strncmpi(nextline, 'datarows', length('datarows'))
		q.nr = str2num(nextline(findstr(nextline, ' ')+1 : length(nextline)));
	elseif strncmpi(nextline, 'nColumns', length('nColumns'))
		q.nc = str2num(nextline(findstr(nextline, '=')+1 : length(nextline)));
	elseif strncmpi(nextline, 'nRows', length('nRows'))
		q.nr = str2num(nextline(findstr(nextline, '=')+1 : length(nextline)));
	nextline = fgetl(fid);
    header{end + 1} = nextline;
q.header = header;

% Process the column labels.
nextline = fgetl(fid);
if (all(isspace(nextline))) % Blank line, so the next one must be the one containing the column labels
	nextline = fgetl(fid);   
q.labels = cell(1, q.nc);
for j = 1:q.nc
	[q.labels{j}, nextline] = strtok(nextline);
% Process the data.
% Note:  transpose is needed since fscanf fills columns before rows.
q.data = fscanf(fid, '%f', [q.nc, q.nr])';