Model will not open in 4.0 API:

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Musa Audu
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:30 am

Model will not open in 4.0 API:

Post by Musa Audu » Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:26 pm

My model file works well in 3.3. However, when I tried to run a simulation with it in 4.0 C++ API, it threw an exception with the following message:
Updating Model file from 30516 to latest format...
Loaded model StanceModel from file LE_Trunk.osim
Assigned an invalid SimTK::MobilizedBodyIndex
In Object 'lhumerus_slave_0_offset' of type PhysicalOffsetFrame.
Thrown at physicalframe.cpp:73 in setMobilizedBodyIndex().
Press any key to continue . . .
I opened the file in the 4.0 GUI and saved it with a new name - so it contains the newer format; but the error is still posted.
Any help on how to resolve this error will be greatly appreciated.
