Changing ArrayDouble to Matrix in MATLAB

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Mohammadhossein Akhavanfar
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Changing ArrayDouble to Matrix in MATLAB

Post by Mohammadhossein Akhavanfar » Wed Mar 13, 2019 4:26 pm

Hello All,

I am working with OpenSim API through MATLAB. If A is my storage, I use this command to get states vector @ time t:

C is an arraydouble variable. I can access to the element m by this command:

However, I don't want to use a for loop to access all elements of C. Is there any way that I can easily get C as a matrix in MATLAB?

Thank you in advance,


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Dimitar Stanev
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Re: Changing ArrayDouble to Matrix in MATLAB

Post by Dimitar Stanev » Thu Mar 14, 2019 1:16 am

You can get a row as an SimTK::Vector or OpenSim::Array or double*, but you cannot get a pure Matlab type array. I would get the row (C++) as follows:

Code: Select all

 auto columns = storage.getColumnLabels();
 Vector row(columns.getSize() - 1);  // ignore time label
 storage.getDataAtTime(t, columns.getSize() - 1, row);