Obtaining Accelerations used in Joint Reactions Analysis

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Ryan Byrne
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Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:33 am

Obtaining Accelerations used in Joint Reactions Analysis

Post by Ryan Byrne » Wed Aug 14, 2019 7:01 am

Hi all,

I have done some searching on the Forum, but haven't quite found an answer I am looking for. I was hoping someone could help guide me on how to obtain body accelerations used during Joint Reactions Analysis step (which utilizes results from Static Optimization). I am working in Matlab through the API, OpenSim 3.3.

I am working on a lumbar spine model. When a lumbar joint is changed from 3DOF (no translation) to 6DOF (translations), the accelerations reported by BodyKinematics and PointKinematics become much larger. Obviously I expect some difference, however, the magnitude of differences even after filtering of the kinematic data seem large (e.g. accelerations ranging from 0-20,000 with translations as opposed to 0-500). The differences in joint reaction forces aren't too different between the 2 cases either, which makes me skeptical of these acceleration values. I've read that accelerations from PointKinematics and BodyKinematics are calculated based on F=ma and not based on kinematic derivatives; however I'm unsure of whether these accelerations are the ones being used in Joint Reactions Analysis.

My main goal is to just obtain the accurate accelerations of bodies within a joint which Joint Reactions Analysis utilizes on the right hand side of F = ma. I'm hoping that these values are stored somewhere that I can access? I've read some about using computeStateVariableDerivatives(), however the translational motion at the joint is not a prescribed coordinate - instead they are incorporated using a moving joint center via SpatialTransforms. This makes me think that only the rotational accelerations will be quantified by computing the derivatives of the state variables.

Any help would be appreciated,

