Enable Metabolic Probe in Model?

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Ricky Pimentel
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Enable Metabolic Probe in Model?

Post by Ricky Pimentel » Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:11 am

Hey Moderators,

I'm scripting CMCs from Matlab. Prior to scake/IK/RRA, I saved a generic model with metabolic probes (UMB2010). However, when I get to CMC, the probes are disabled for some reason. I have found ways to addProbes and I can load the UMB Probeset, but I'm wondering if there's a way to simply enable the probes already present and update the model.

I noticed there are "isEnabled" and "set_enabled" functions & properties for the Probe in the API, but I can't seem to call the function correctly when referencing the model. I'm wondering if there is a difference between "Probe" and "ProbeSet"
https://simtk.org/api_docs/opensim/api_ ... Probe.html

I have an override by opening the model in OpenSim and manually enabling the probe, but it would be amazing to automate it.

Thank you!
Enabled Probes.JPG
Enabled Probes.JPG (30.52 KiB) Viewed 1164 times
Disabled Probes.JPG
Disabled Probes.JPG (29.24 KiB) Viewed 1164 times


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Thomas Uchida
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Re: Enable Metabolic Probe in Model?

Post by Thomas Uchida » Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:11 am

I noticed there are "isEnabled" and "set_enabled" functions & properties for the Probe in the API, but I can't seem to call the function correctly when referencing the model.
It would be helpful to see what you're doing now. I think you should be using the setEnabled() method (https://simtk.org/api_docs/opensim/api_ ... 962f28529f).
I'm wondering if there is a difference between "Probe" and "ProbeSet"
Yes, a Probe is an object that calculates something as a function of the State (https://simtk.org/api_docs/opensim/api_ ... Probe.html). A ProbeSet is a Set (collection) of such objects (https://simtk.org/api_docs/opensim/api_ ... beSet.html).

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Ricky Pimentel
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Re: Enable Metabolic Probe in Model?

Post by Ricky Pimentel » Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:55 am

Thanks Thomas,

My failed attempts to update or enable the current probe in the model are below. When I do this, CMC will run, but it will not export any muscle metabolic costs (attached picture).

As I already have the UMB2010 probe set up in the model, I'm trying to enable it. I could alternatively add the probe all over again, but I was wondering if simply enabling the current probe was possible before I attempt to re-create the "addMetabolicProbes.py" script in Matlab.

Code: Select all

  CMCmodel = Model(RRAUpdatedModel);
    %     % cant make a call to the current probe, no function getProbe?
    %     Probe = CMCmodel.getProbe()

    %  % adding a probe adds as metabolics_0, but does not add probes to
    %  each muscle that the previous model already contains. 
%     activationMaintenanceRateOn = 'True';
%     shorteningRateOn = 'True';
%     basalRateOn = 'False';
%     mechanicalWorkRateOn = 'True';
%     reportTotalMetabolicsOnly = 'False';
    wholeBodyProbe = Umberger2010MuscleMetabolicsProbe(); %activationMaintenanceRateOn, shorteningRateOn, basalRateOn, mechanicalWorkRateOn);
    wholeBodyProbe.isEnabled() % prints enable status in command window
    % save model
    CMCModel = strcat(CMCFolder, '\', Subjects(subj).name, '_', Subjects(subj).Trials(trial).name, '_CMC.osim');
NoMetabolicResults.JPG (80.01 KiB) Viewed 1130 times

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Thomas Uchida
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Re: Enable Metabolic Probe in Model?

Post by Thomas Uchida » Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:00 pm

The "metabolics_0_TOTAL" column is the computed metabolic cost. The probe is enabled. My guess is that you wish to see a value for each muscle. To do that, you need to set "report_total_metabolics_only" to false (one of the lines you have commented out). Please see the documentation here: https://simtk.org/api_docs/opensim/api_ ... dd686dce8a.

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Ricky Pimentel
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Re: Enable Metabolic Probe in Model?

Post by Ricky Pimentel » Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:47 pm

Thanks, that is what I am trying to do. I have tried calling the function by:

activationMaintenanceRateOn = "True";
shorteningRateOn = "True";
basalRateOn = "False";
mechanicalWorkRateOn = "True";
reportTotalMetabolicsOnly = "False";
wholeBodyProbe = Umberger2010MuscleMetabolicsProbe(activationMaintenanceRateOn, shorteningRateOn, basalRateOn, mechanicalWorkRateOn);

as described in the documentation and example files (I also tried "modeling.Umberger2010... "), but I get the error:

Code: Select all

No constructor 'org.opensim.modeling.Umberger2010MuscleMetabolicsProbe' with matching signature found.

Error in ABL_Batch_OpenSim (line 498)
    wholeBodyProbe = Umberger2010MuscleMetabolicsProbe(activationMaintenanceRateOn, shorteningRateOn,
    basalRateOn, mechanicalWorkRateOn);
or as an empty "wholeBodyProbe = Umberger2010MuscleMetabolicsProbe()" and then defining "wholeBodyProbe.set_report_total_metabolics_only(reportTotalMetabolicsOnly)" later on and the error reads.

Code: Select all

No method 'set_report_total_metabolics_only' with matching signature found for class

Error in ABL_Batch_OpenSim (line 504)
That is why I am just trying to enable the current probe in the first place, rather than adding a new one. Any ideas on those errors or how to just enable the pre-loaded probe? Thanks for all the help

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Thomas Uchida
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Re: Enable Metabolic Probe in Model?

Post by Thomas Uchida » Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:04 pm

I think this should work:

Code: Select all


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Ricky Pimentel
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Re: Enable Metabolic Probe in Model?

Post by Ricky Pimentel » Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:48 am

Gah, the capitalization and lack of ' ' got me. Hooray for working in multiple programming languages at once.

On that note, I translated the python addMetabolicProbes script into matlab.

Thank you for the help!

Hopefully this can be useful for someone:

Code: Select all

        import org.opensim.modeling.*
        import java.io.*
        % define model for CMC
        CMCmodel = Model(RRAUpdatedModel);
        % get slow twitch data from text file
        fn = 'C:\Users\richa\Documents\OpenSim 4.0\Metabolix\Scripts\metabolicsSlowTwitchRatios_Gait2392.txt';
        fdata = importdata(fn);
        muscleName = fdata.textdata;
        twitchRatio = fdata.data;
        % The following booleans are constructor arguments for the Umberger probe.
        % These settings are used for all probes.
        activationMaintenanceRateOn = true;
        shorteningRateOn = true;
        basalRateOn = false;
        mechanicalWorkRateOn = true;
        reportTotalMetabolicsOnly = false;
        % The mass of each muscle will be calculated using data from the model:
        % muscleMass = (maxIsometricForce / sigma) * rho * optimalFiberLength
        % where sigma = 0.25e6 is the specific tension of mammalian muscle (in
        % Pascals) and rho = 1059.7 is the density of mammalian muscle (in kg/m^3).
        % The slow-twitch ratio used for muscles that either do not appear in the
        % file, or appear but whose proportion of slow-twitch fibers is unknown.
        defaultTwitchRatio = 0.5;
        % Get the slow-twitch ratio as the default value.
        slowTwitchRatio = ones(1,length(twitchRatio)) * defaultTwitchRatio;
        % Define a whole-body probe that will report the total metabolic energy
        % consumption over the simulation.
        wholeBodyProbe = Umberger2010MuscleMetabolicsProbe(...
        % Add the probe to the model and provide a name.
        % Loop through all muscles, adding parameters for each into the whole-body probe.
        for j = 1:CMCmodel.getMuscles().getSize()
            % offset for python/C++ looping
            iMuscle = j -1;
            % save muscle name in text file via diary function
            thisMuscle = CMCmodel.getMuscles().get(iMuscle)
            diary off
            % get muscle name and save
            FID = fopen('temp.txt');
            TXT = textscan(FID, '%s');
            if strcmp(TXT{1}(end), 'off')
                TXT{1}(end) = [];
            if strcmp(TXT{1}(end), 'diary')
                TXT{1}(end) = [];
            txt = TXT{1}(end);
            Muscle = txt{1}(1:end-2);
            % Set the slow-twitch ratio to the physiological value, if it is known.
            %     for i = 1:length(twitchRatio) % in twitchRatios.items():
            ind = find(contains({muscleName{:}}, Muscle));
            if strcmp(Muscle, muscleName{ind}) && twitchRatio(ind) ~= -1
                slowTwitchRatio(ind) = twitchRatio(ind);
            % Add this muscle to the whole-body probe. The arguments are muscle
            % name, slow-twitch ratio, and muscle mass. Note that the muscle mass
            % is ignored unless we set useProvidedMass to True.
        % Save the new model to a file      
        CMCModelPath = strcat(CMCFolder, '\', Subjects(subj).name, '_', Subjects(subj).Trials(trial).name, '_CMC.osim');