I successfully added a prescribed force to my model by adding the following code in the .osim file (Lumbar_C_4 from Lumbar spine model):
Code: Select all
<ForceSet name="forceset">
<PrescribedForce name="prescribedForce">
<FunctionSet name="forceFunctions">
<Constant name="forceX">
<Constant name="forceY">
<Constant name="forceZ">
<groups />
<FunctionSet name="pointFunctions">
<Constant name="pointX">
<Constant name="pointY">
<Constant name="pointZ">
<groups />
My question is the following : is there a way to display this prescribed force that is embedded in the .osim file on the model ? I would like to make sure the point of application is correct and as plan to add forces it would be a lot easier to monitor. Right clicking in the GUI on the prescribed force and adjusting the "display" options does not seem to do anything.
Thanks in advance !