converting c3d file using c3d2opensim

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HK Kim
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converting c3d file using c3d2opensim

Post by HK Kim » Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:55 am


I am trying to convert experimental c3d data (from Qualisys) into OpenSim compatible files using c3d2opensim

When I load the c3d file, it displays the path and file name, but when I run animation (to view the extracted c3d data), an error dialog appears and says "please load a c3d file''.

It normally has no problem when I loaded the Vicon c3d file, but somehow Qualisys c3d file is not loaded.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

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Aaron Fox
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Re: converting c3d file using c3d2opensim

Post by Aaron Fox » Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:09 pm

Hi Hyun,

Not sure if you're set on the approach you're using (it does look like you're using Matlab though), but I found the code available for importing data into Matlab on this page quite useful: ... d%29+Files. This uses OpenSim's relatively new osimC3D class/object and has a number of associated methods that allow you to get marker and force data from the c3d file. Combined with things like the TRC and STO File Adapter classes it can be quite useful for converting your data.
