Getting acess to CFSQP optimizer for cmc simulation of FullBodyModel_Hamner2010

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Tobias Thorén
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Getting acess to CFSQP optimizer for cmc simulation of FullBodyModel_Hamner2010

Post by Tobias Thorén » Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:28 am

I am currently doing a student project at Linkopings technical universitry in sweden. In my project i am developing a systems biology model of circulatory free fatty acids levels changes during exercise. I want to explore using data from metabolic probes in opensim models to help my system biology model to distinguish between different exercise forms, in my case that would be running and walking. My plan is to use the FullBodyModel_Hammer20 and gait2392 models. CMC on Fullbody doesent work however without using CFSQP optimizer, wich im having a hard time getting a license for. The webbsite recommended in the read_me document included in the download of Fullbody ( is no help. Is there any other way to get a license to CFSQP ?



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Carmichael Ong
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Re: Getting acess to CFSQP optimizer for cmc simulation of FullBodyModel_Hamner2010

Post by Carmichael Ong » Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:31 pm

I'm not sure where best to find a CFSQP license (a quick Google search doesn't seem to make this immediately clear, but could be worth diving deeper into), however, CFSQP is not a requirement for running CMC. If the license isn't found, it will use the default IPOPT solver, which generally will still work with many problems. I'd recommend sticking with the default IPOPT unless there are any specific reasons for your project.

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Tobias Thorén
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Re: Getting acess to CFSQP optimizer for cmc simulation of FullBodyModel_Hamner2010

Post by Tobias Thorén » Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:02 am

Thanks for the reply Carmichael. I will try to get Fullbody,odel_Hammer running with IPOPT. Ill put up another post if i cant get it to work.