The visualizer window is black on Opensim 4.1 and 4.0 on my personnal laptop.
- There is no error message or little red sign on the bottom left
- Restarting doesn't change anything.
- Reinstalling idem.
- It works fine with Opensim 3.3
My environment:
Win 10 Pro, 2004 (which I just force updated)
Lenovo model 4282A82, x64
i7-2720QM CPU @ 2.20GHz
RAM 16 Go
Graphic cards: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 + Nvidia Quadro 1000M
Now on the FAQ I see that the most common reason for the OpenSim GUI not being able to launch the visualizer is "No WebGL support: some older machines do not support Hardware Accelerated Graphics rendering used by the new OpenSim Visulization."
Does it seem like it is the problem? I can't get a straight answer whether or not my graphic card supports hardware acceleration. If not, there is just no workaround?
Thank you!
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