I plan to add a TorqueActuator to the ankle joint, the follows are related codes in the *.osim file:
Part 1
Code: Select all
<ForceSet name="forceset">
<TorqueActuator name="right_ankle_torque"><!--Flag indicating whether the force is disabled or not. Disabled means that the force is not active in subsequent dynamics realizations.-->
<isDisabled>false</isDisabled><!--Minimum allowed value for control signal. Used primarily when solving for control values.-->
<min_control>-Inf</min_control><!--Maximum allowed value for control signal. Used primarily when solving for control values.-->
<max_control>Inf</max_control><!--Name of Body to which the torque actuator is applied.-->
<bodyA>talus_r</bodyA><!--Name of Body to which the equal and opposite torque is applied.-->
<bodyB>tibia_r</bodyB><!--Interpret axis in Ground frame if true; otherwise, body A's frame.-->
<torque_is_global>false</torque_is_global><!--Fixed direction about which torque is applied, in Ground or body A frame depending on 'torque_is_global' property.-->
<axis>0 0 1</axis><!--The maximum torque produced by this actuator when fully activated.-->
Code: Select all
<ControllerSet name="Controllers">
<PrescribedController name="motor_controller"><!--The list of model actuators that this controller will control.The keyword ALL indicates the controller will controll all the acuators in the model-->
<actuator_list>right_ankle_torque</actuator_list><!--Functions (one per control) describing the controls for actuatorsspecified for this controller.-->
<FunctionSet name="ControlFunctions">
<x> 0.6 1.1 1.2 1.9</x>
<y> 0 10 10 0</y>
Obviously, the TorqueActuator 'right_ankle_torque' fails to be added to the model. May I know the cause(s)? Thanks a lot.