Inverse Kinematics error

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Xijin Hua
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:45 pm

Inverse Kinematics error

Post by Xijin Hua » Wed May 05, 2021 2:01 am

Dear Opensim experts

I am using the data from the "Grand Challenge competition to predict in vivo knee loads" to validate an Opensim model. However, after the scaling, when I performed the inverse kinematics analysis using the Overground Gait Trials - DM_ngait_og1_new.trc experimental file, I got an error: number of workunits cannot be negative. I believe this should be a common error that you should be familiar with. Could you please tell me what caused this error and how to solve this error? Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards

Xijin Hua
