Moco-squad2stand GRF prediction

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Burak Kula
Posts: 31
Joined: Wed Dec 04, 2019 3:34 pm

Moco-squad2stand GRF prediction

Post by Burak Kula » Tue Jun 08, 2021 5:55 am

Hello Everyone,

Currently I am trying to extract GRF solution from squad2stand prediction study by using Moco 1.0.
To do so, I combined exampleSquad2Stand MATLAB script and GRF obtaining part of example2DWalking's GRF prediction part.
But when I've run my script, even if "contactForces" are exist in model( I can see them in OpenSim, under Forceset. Like in 2D_Gait.osim file), I had an error and it says "contactForces" could not found.

How can I solve this error and What is the reason of this error ?

Regards, Burak.
