STO fails when run using MATLAB command but not in GUI

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Grace M
Posts: 27
Joined: Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:11 am

STO fails when run using MATLAB command but not in GUI

Post by Grace M » Tue Jul 06, 2021 6:57 pm

Hi there,

I am running analyses externally using MATLAB to call a command for STO. With the same setup files the analyses run in the OPENSIM GUI.
The command error is the following:

Model::equilibrateMuscles() Unable to compute equilibrium for this muscle.
Please verify that the initial activation is valid and that the length of the musculotendon actuator doesn't produce a pennation angle of 90 degrees or a negative fiber length.

Solution error 0.340934 exceeds tolerance of 4.88e-06
Newton iterations reached limit of 20
Activation is 0.05
Fiber length is nan

In Object 'add_mag3_r' of type Thelen2003Muscle.
Thrown at Thelen2003Muscle.cpp:376 in computeInitialFiberEquilibrium().

I do not understand why it runs in the GUI and not externally. Any help would be appreciated!
