adding external loads in opensim

Provide easy-to-use, extensible software for modeling, simulating, controlling, and analyzing the neuromusculoskeletal system.
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Rishabh Gupta
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Joined: Sun May 23, 2021 8:55 am

adding external loads in opensim

Post by Rishabh Gupta » Sat Jul 10, 2021 8:09 am

I am a beginner to this software.
I have a query- Can I add constant force in a static model and generate joint reaction forces as results?
If yes please specify the way?
Note- I also need to eliminate ground reaction force.

Thanks in advance.


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Thomas Uchida
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Re: adding external loads in opensim

Post by Thomas Uchida » Sat Jul 10, 2021 4:54 pm

Yes, you can apply forces to a model and compute reaction loads at joints. Not sure what you mean by "eliminate ground reaction force." You might start by consulting the following pages of the documentation:
- "Getting Started", ... ng+Started
- "Overview of OpenSim Workflows", ... +Workflows
- "Examples and Tutorials", ... +Tutorials

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Rishabh Gupta
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Joined: Sun May 23, 2021 8:55 am

Re: adding external loads in opensim

Post by Rishabh Gupta » Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:14 am

Thank you, sir for your response.
My query is I don't have any experimental data neither I need any motion in my musculoskeletal model.
A model is been kept static and no force is been applied not even ground reaction force.
Now, a constant external force is being applied, how the external force will get distributed in joints and muscles.
This is what I want to calculate. Is it possible to calculate using existing models and datasets?
If yes please specify the steps or any link I could follow.
It would be a great help.