Multiple Time Ranges for Inverse Dynamics Force Data

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Aaron Henry
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Multiple Time Ranges for Inverse Dynamics Force Data

Post by Aaron Henry » Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:11 am

I am running inverse dynamics and have 4 force plates that were used during data collection. I would like to specify a time range for each individual force plate. For example, if my trial is 4 seconds long, I would like force plate #1 to be used for the entirety of the trial, but only use data from force plate #2 starting 2 seconds into the trial. Is this possible in either the GUI or using the API? If so how would I go about this?


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John Davis
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Re: Multiple Time Ranges for Inverse Dynamics Force Data

Post by John Davis » Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:46 am

An easy solution would be to have all force plates active for the entire trial, but edit the forces in the .mot file to be exactly zero outside of the times of interest for each plate. The running data distributed with the Rajagopal 2015 model uses a similar trick: there are two "virtual" force plates superimposed on top of one another, one applying force to the left foot and one to the right (and the forces are set to exactly zero when the virtual plate's foot is not on the ground).