External forces always represented in ground frame

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David Martinez
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Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:39 pm

External forces always represented in ground frame

Post by David Martinez » Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:18 am

Dear all,
I have tried to perform inverse dynamics with motion capture data and simulated external forces. I have followed the OpenSim tutorials to include external data, but I am experiencing problems with forces visualization. I detail the steps followed with screen captures:
1) In the "Inverse dynamics tool", the movement of the model is specified.

2) The file "forces_test.mot" attached includes 2 forces for test: a ground reaction force and a force applied to the femur. As seen in the image, the "femur_force_v" is applied to "femur_r" and expressed in its frame.

3) Once the ID is computed, I add a motion file to IDResults ("forces_test.mot"). The image shows that all forces are expressed in the ground frame. However, the "femur_force_v" was previously expressed in "femur_r" frame. I have tried to replace in this window the frame, but once it is changed to a different frame from the ground, the forces are not displayed.

I do not know if there could be a bug in OpenSim GUI or if I am making some mistake. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you.

kinematics especification.jpg
kinematics especification.jpg (112.24 KiB) Viewed 198 times

external forces config.jpg
external forces config.jpg (76.86 KiB) Viewed 198 times

forces in ground frame.jpg
forces in ground frame.jpg (158.45 KiB) Viewed 198 times
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