Cannot perform any tasks on WristModel

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Hao Lee
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Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:52 pm

Cannot perform any tasks on WristModel

Post by Hao Lee » Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:57 pm

Hi all
I am using the wristModel that comes with opensim.
Currently, I am doing static optimization by giving some joint trajectories.

However, it always stuck and gives me the error code:

Code: Select all

Loaded model Wrist_Model from file G:\My Drive\Course\Bionics System\Final Project\Model\wrist.osim
Storage: read data file = G:\My Drive\Course\Bionics System\Final Project\T4NoNoise_lessPoints.sto (nr=51 nc=11)
Loading coordinates from file 'G:\My Drive\Course\Bionics System\Final Project\T4NoNoise_lessPoints.sto'.
Storage: read data file = G:\My Drive\Course\Bionics System\Final Project\T4NoNoise_lessPoints.sto (nr=51 nc=11)
Model::formCompleteStorages():  Did not find column /jointset/rotaxis-auxprfem/rotaxis_auxprfem_r3/value in storage object.
Model::formCompleteStorages():  Did not find column /jointset/auxprfem-auxprrud/auxprfem-auxprrud_coord/value in storage object.
Model::formCompleteStorages():  Did not find column /jointset/auxprrud-auxdrfem/auxprrud_auxdrfem_r3/value in storage object.
Model::formCompleteStorages():  Did not find column /jointset/auxdrfem-auxdrrud/auxdrfem_auxdrrud_r1/value in storage object.
Found 51 state vectors with time stamps ranging from 0.0 to 5.0.
No external loads will be applied (external loads file not specified).
Executing the analyses from 0.0 to 5.0...
And the whole program will stall after that.

Yet, there are no coordinates defined as "rotaxis_auxprfem_r3", "auxprfem-auxprrud_coord", "auxprrud_auxdrfem_r3" and "auxdrfem_auxdrrud_r1".
I tried to set these coordinates in joints as () but also resulted in errors.
Is there anyway I can solve it?

Here I provide the simple motion I am testing ... sp=sharing


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Carmichael Ong
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:50 am

Re: Cannot perform any tasks on WristModel

Post by Carmichael Ong » Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:52 pm

Those coordinates are defined in the model (it seems that you found them in the Joints section), however, they do not sure up in the Coordinates tab because these are dependent coordinate of different constraints (see the Constraints section).

I agree that it seems like you should be able to do Static Optimization without values from these dependent coordinates, but given your output it seems that OpenSim's tools expect that all coordinates need values in the motion file (users will often use Inverse Kinematics to get their motion file, and this motion file has values assigned for all dependent coordinates too). If you want to use OpenSim's static optimization tool, looks like you'll have to add values for those extra coordinates in your motion file for now.