No method 'cloneAndAppend' with matching signature found for class 'org.opensim.modeling.PathWrapSet'.
Does anyone have any insight into what I am doing wrong or if there is a workaround I can use. I have included my code below for clarity.
Code: Select all
muscles = osimModel.getMuscles(); %pulls all the muscles from the model
muscle = muscles.get(muscle_name); %calls specific muscle chosen by muscle_name defined above
WrapAdd = osimModel.getBodySet().get(12).getWrapObjectSet().get(3); %12 represents the body humerus in BodySet and 3 represents humeral_column in WrapObjectSet. for full lists see Untitled_Test.m
% add wrap object to muscle
wrapGeoPath = muscle.getGeometryPath(); %Get the muscles geometry where muscle is defined above
wrapSet = wrapGeoPath.getWrapSet(); %Get the muscle's wrap set
muscle.getGeometryPath.getWrapSet.cloneAndAppend(WrapAdd); %muscle is previously defined