Reserve actuators in CMC

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Anantharaman Gopalakrishnan
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:38 pm

Reserve actuators in CMC

Post by Anantharaman Gopalakrishnan » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:10 am


I was looking at how the reserve actuators work during CMC. It seemed like although their excitations remained constant during a time step (T=<t<T+0.01) the reserve actuator forces took on a different value at the start of the timestep (i.e at t=T).

My understanding is that the excitation for the reserve actuators is calculated as (Reserve actuator force/Optimal force). So i was wondering why even though excitations were constant over a time step(Optimal force is always constant), the actuator forces were different at the starting point of the integration. Thanks a lot!!
