Error during Induced Accelerations Analysis

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kazunaga Nakayama
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Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:22 pm

Error during Induced Accelerations Analysis

Post by kazunaga Nakayama » Wed May 31, 2023 6:28 pm

Hello everyone

I tried to make an Induced Accelerations Analysis but I always get the same mistake in OpenSim4.4 and OpenSim3.3:

ArrayPtrs.get: Array index out of bounds.

Could someone help me to avoid this mistake?
I am getting marker position information and ground reaction force data from VICON data. I analyze the running motion. I get the same error with both OpenSim 3.3 and Opensim 4.4.

And I have another question concerning the ConstraintSet for the IAA. If I have external forces, is it necessary to apply a constraint or can I ignore it?

We would be grateful if you could enlighten us.
Thank you in advance.
