Hi everyone,
I wanted to input the results from SCONE into the Forward Dynamics tool in Opensim, but I was not able to replicate the motion from SCONE in OpenSim. I separated the big STO file from SCONE to a control file with 0.01 time steps of muscle excitations and Coordinate Actuator controls and a states file with 0.01 time steps of q's, u',s muscle activations, and muscle fiber length. To preface, I used the Analysis tool to check if these files are correctly formatted, and that tool produces the same motion, GRFs, and forces as the SCONE results. Now when I add the same files to Forward Dynamics, the model is not able to replicate that motion. I was wondering if there is something wrong with the Coordinate Actuator values or just how I input the data. The coordinate actuator has a control of -inf to inf and a optimal force of 1. The control of that actuator may have a magnitude greater than 1 and have negative values. If it is this or perhaps something else, then any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,