Problem with Inverse Kinematics for Whole Body

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Sultan Sultan
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:51 am

Problem with Inverse Kinematics for Whole Body

Post by Sultan Sultan » Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:18 pm

Hi every one,
I used UpperLowerBodySimple.osim (ULB_Project) after I built markers to fit the motion data (.trc) I have. The motion data that I have looked good but I needed to make transformation (rotated about X-axis and then about Z-axis). The scaling process went good. When I ran Inverse Kinematics it took 2 days and the result was some parts (i.e Tibia) of the model were moved a way from the model and the model movement was funny. I tried to improve the positions of some markers and repeated the scaling processes and ran Inverse Kinematics. Invese Kinematics this time took 8 hrs and gave a message of failed Invese Kinematics. Anybody experienced this problem and any help to solve this problem.

The message is:
Loaded model ModifiedMarkersOriginalUpperLowerSimpleModel-scaled from file C:\Users\Sultan\Desktop\New\ModifiedMarkersOriginalUpperLowerBodySimple-Scaled.osim
Loaded marker file C:\Users\Sultan\Desktop\New\transformed_Santos-500N.trc (42 markers, 201 frames)
MODEL: ModifiedMarkersOriginalUpperLowerSimpleModel-scaled
forces: 112
analyses: 2
bodies: 131
joints: 130
markers: 36
Running tool .
Loaded marker file C:\Users\Sultan\Desktop\New\transformed_Santos-500N.trc (42 markers, 201 frames)
AssemblySolver::track() attempt Failed: SimTK Exception thrown at Assembler.cpp:887:
Method Assembler::track() failed because:
Optimizer failed with message: SimTK Exception thrown at InteriorPointOptimizer.cpp:262:
Optimizer failed: Ipopt: Restoration failed (status -2)
Assembly error tolerance achieved: 3.383404667545165e-014 required: 1e-006.
InverseKinematicsTool Failed: Unknown exception
Thanks for any help.

Sultan A Sultan
CCAD/University of Iowa

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Kazutaka Takahashi
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Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:48 pm

Re: Problem with Inverse Kinematics for Whole Body

Post by Kazutaka Takahashi » Mon May 13, 2013 9:54 am

Anyone resolved this issue?
I have the same thing with my model and at least as far as I can see, no jumps in the data...